

Indian Donations

Foreign Donations

About your donations

Where and how are they used?


Children are the fundamental hope for the work that we are doing, and we offer free education days to a variety of different schools with different levels of resources.

Your donations enable us to provide this school programme to government schools free of charge, covering transport to bring the children to the Gardens, a healthy and delicious meal for each, and the education materials and support for the education team to carry out the programme.

Over the past 21 years, 35,000 children have passed through our Botanical Gardens environmental day programme. We hope their experience in the Gardens will reverberate with them throughout their life’s opportunities, and whenever there is a choice between enhancing, rather than exploiting, let’s hope that their time with us here encourages them to take positive action.

Development of the Botanical Gardens

Spanning over 50 acres, all garden areas have individuals who are responsible for them, and the work is carried out by a mix of Auroville residents, volunteers and paid labour to develop and maintain them. We have welcomed over 45,000 visitors to the Gardens over the years.

Your donations enable us to create many parts of the beautiful campus of the Gardens that we enjoy today. For example, donations from foreign contributors brought to life the serene Japanese Garden, the educative Garden of Indian Culture and Heritage, and the fun-filled spiralling Labyrinth and Maze. The Gardens, in so many ways, is a reflection of our shared joy in and value for the natural world.

Tree Planting

The core of our conservation work is the TDEF, or Tropical Dry Evergreen Forest, a native forest type of this belt of Coromandel coast that is highly threatened by constant human pressures. The native species that comprise the TDEF, and the biodiversity held through it, form the backbone of our eco-landscaping projects, reforestation work and awareness efforts – particularly against a backdrop of degraded habitat and invasive exotic species that have taken over most landscapes.

Your donations enable us to provide informed and sustained tree planting activities with the Tamil Nadu Forest Department across both protected forest areas and the wider bioregion.

How you can donate

For Indian donations

If you wish to contribute from India, please use the provided details for local donations.

You can use the QR code or visit this page.

For foreign donations

For international donors, kindly follow the instructions for foreign contributions.

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